blogging tips & tricks for beginners to grow a blog

You’ll probably hear the same tips over and over and over again. Them being: create good content (duh!), share on social media (have you seen all these Facebook groups lynching self-promo? I have!) and so on and so forth.

here’s my tip:

Go. Interact. With others.

Yup, whether you’re a social person or not, you’ve got to network. You’ve got to meet people, talk to people and make people remember you.
Blogging networking is a thing because it will always render results, unlike - for example - changing Facebook algorithms.

Many new bloggers do not start an email list from day-1. Much of your monetization depends on your email list.
So the sooner you get that going, even if you don’t know how the list will come in handy in the future, the better it is for your blog. You’ll thank yourself later!

Forget about promotion.

 While this is your main goal, you’re not going to walk around repeating that you’ve got a blog like a broken record.
Find 10 bloggers with an established audience. They’re probably people you’ve already read and learn from. Start commenting on their posts.

Be active in their social media feeds.
 Retweet and repost their stuff. Remember to provide value. Comments such as “great post, keep it up!” are rubbish. Deal with it.

Start conversations in communities.

If you’re in a Facebook group, don’t just throw your latest blog post there. Make people speak. Ask questions, sparkle discussion. Bring your name out there, not your site.

Worry too much about your blog’s looks and design.

 It is important that you have a well put-together blog with great user experience. But any well-designed, pre-made WordPress theme (assuming you’re on WordPress) should do the job in the beginning.
Focus on getting your blog going, creating content that are full of value, and building a thriving email list before you worry about whether your blog’s accent color should be yellow or pink.

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